Sabtu, 12 Mac 2011

Mainboard of Enginius XVII

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and welcome back. Below is a poster on the lineup of mainbord of Enginius XVII.

Thank you.

Rabu, 2 Mac 2011

Leader as a Dai'e

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and welcome to the blog. Sincerest apologies we offer for not updating in a while. As you all may know, the past few weeks have been quite hectic for the students since they're all having midterms and various programs in between.

Nevertheless, we'd like to present you one of those programs. Leader As A Dai'e.

This program was held on 25th February 2011 from 9:00 am to 11:00 am at Main Conference Room KOE, E1 level 1. The invited speaker was Dr. Yusri who is also a lecturer from Kulliyyah of Law. He is also acting as Timbalan YDP Yayasan Sofa

The objectives of this program were : 
  1. To realize the needs of da’wah in leadership
  2. To have a discussion about leadership informally between the speaker and also the participants.
During the event, the speaker briefly explained being a good Muslim, which naturally he/she don’t like to become a leader, but they have to. Eg. Sayyidina Umar Al Khattab. Another major point was that leadership is not about being glamour, which is a misconception nowadays, but being a leader means carriage of a big burden, a difficult task to be successfully completed.

Futhermore, Dr. Yusri said that in whatever we do, we must bear our intention (including in leadership).Leadership will come naturally for those who knows the actual reality of life, because the actual meaning of life is to perform ‘ibadah, and one of the ‘ibadah is to serve others by the way of leadership.

Everyone is a leader, and at the least we have to lead ourself. The best example of a leader is our prophet Muhammad S.A.W. who was destined to become a leader of the ummah.

He also gave brilliant piece of saying, “Fear is a good thing, because it will push you to prepare, but having too much is not good”. Leaders are more beloved in the eyes of Allah, than just being followers. The biggest problem nowadays is that, people are teaching others, without any certification from the true teacher. This is one of the reasons why many of the people nowadays have a wrong concept in Islam, even their own religion themselves.

After that, at 10.30am, Questions & Answers (Q&A) session has been informally and successfully done.

Some of the questions were 1. how to encourage students to participate in leadership, 2. what will happen if someone who is qualified rejects the offer to become a leader, 3. how to become a leader if he/she is not a good speaker, 4. The difference of power between followers and leaders.
The session end with the recitation of du’a from the speaker itself. 

Here is a few pictures from the event:

Well, that is all for now. Do come back again some time. Thank you for taking time to read this post. May you all be in good health and in Allah's guidance insyallah.
